Darkside of the Ring: Jimmy Snuka

I was never a big Jimmy Snuka guy.

That said, after watching Darkside of the Ring and knowing some of the history of his case with Nancy Argentino, it’s clear that Snuka was a big-time act in the early 80’s of WWF.

What we learn:

*Jimmy Snuka was a cocaine inhaling mad-man. In fact, he inhaled cocaine while driving.

*Snuka enjoyed copious amounts of other drugs aside from cocaine, presumably hard stuff.

*Other than all the drugs, and abuse, Snuka was a ‘really sweet guy’.

*Snuka had some great programs with my guy, The Rock Don Muraco.

Vice TV has put together some of the best wrestling documentaries every made. All of this happened in Snuka’s career before I have much of a recollection of him as a performer. By the time I saw Snuka on television, he really wasn’t involved much. When he was, he would come out and have a two-minute match with a jobber, superfly smash and pin. His bengal tiger attire was catchy, but that was the end of it.

In learning that Snuka was indeed, a savage and abuser; I’m glad I was never big into him as a kid. Finally, I don’t understand the appeal that made him a proclaimed ‘star’ to begin with other then he was a guy who could do some aerial assaults off a cage before it was commonplace.

Now that Snuka is done, some of the episodes that I really looked forward to will take place. I will go deep into these when they happen, especially Dino Bravo and Owen Hart.

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